Attention! This post has been written in a kind of state of mind, where I tend to be totally inexplicable and no one ever understands what the hell am I writing or saying (just see my very first Hungarian blog before I started this one :-D :-D) So, don’t be surprised, if You take the chance to read it and say after that: What the Hell? He? Attention! Some more confusing ones might come again, I call it: spring :-D
Is it possible feeling being free and not at the same time? Is it possible at all feeling something and the opposite at the same time? Well, empirically looks like yes and it confuses me. I do demand to belong somewhere and/or to someone and still being able to do whatever I want that fits in my moral. I think for being happy everybody needs the right proportion of Attachment and Freedom. Sadly, not many people can allow it. A good example for this is their work. The majority of the population is making their living out of need, out of just what they get. I would be happy doing the same job for all of my life, if I have chosen it and if I always had the opportunity to go on and change, if I wanted to or if I still can be happy with it because I don’t care. But You have to be really lucky to be in that kind of situation or work really hard and long to get there. On the other hand it does help a lot, if someone is an optimist with good adaptation skills and low expectations. I also do believe, it doesn’t matter what you do until it makes you happy. So, go-go-go and be Yourself, believe in Yourself (!!) and don’t give up! People tend to give up too early, that’s sad, very sad! You might think I am a dreamer or too naive... Well, thats all Folks! I just don't wanna yet give up on being like that ;-)
Additionally to this short train of thoughts: I tend to reach to music, whenever I want to complement my feelings, so here is one by one of the best bands/singers ever, which fits perfectly in here now:
Freedom is a gradient scale. People are taking part of different games in their life. Their relationship, their work, their model train club, their obsession to figure out something, their bet with a buddy on who is going to be the first who study all the capital cities of the world, etc. Every game consists of freedoms, barriers and a goal. If any of them missing, there is no game. Different people has different affinity for games. Many people choose their games (better situation) or someone choose the games for them, or even force games to them (being in a jail, having a boring job becuse they need to earn money for example). All games a person plays adds up to a set of freedoms and barriers. That IS his/her life. You are smart to realize that. :)
I like the idea of games! Very nice! :-) It describes the situation much better, thanks :-)
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