Great invention, works best with Facebook account! Are you tired of the music you have already listened to 1000 times? Want to look for new Bands, Albums, Songs? You either start to look in the genre of your favourites or ask friends. But then you have to search for, download, etc... Lot of time investment needed. With spotify connnected to FB, you can take a look and listen directly to friend's shared favourites and lists. It's pretty cool and time saving! For those with Mac: organisation the same as in iTunes, so there no big loss of the interface experience . :-)
Here you get it: Spotify

iTunes of course started the social business, too, not so long ago, but.... Well, it's too complicated to be able to enjoy, brrr. -> Ping
PS: No, they didn't pay me a cent for the advt. What a shame! ;-)
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