3. Angry Birds Peace Treaty taken from the izraeli show "Eretz Nehederet"
4. Laurin Buser, the swiss 19 year old guy wins the U20 category of the german Poetry Slam

Sihlquai is only a cheap workspace for the Brasilian and Hungarian gypsy hookers. The market is getting too big and prices are going down. But there is another level of prostitution: the luxus escort sevices. Discretion, high confidentiality, top service. Swissmodels, Escort Elite, massage-forum.ch, Belle-Donne, Glamour-Model, Teeny-Model, Swiss-Elite: you can already find their commercials at the airport. Businessmen, pilots and and rich doctors hand in all their wishes and there you go... A very good article in the swiss Tages Anzeiger weekly extra booklet "Das Magazin", where both the luxus girls and the customers talk about their "sins", tips and tricks.
Beardyman - Dolbyman from Reserve17 on Vimeo.
“Dolbyman” was a four-minute journey through a variety of musical genres, all generated by the mouth of one man — UK beatbox champion and vocal artist Beardyman. Shot in London and finished at Dolby Laboratories in San Francisco, the original composition of over 200 individual tracks showcases a creative talent in Dolby 5.1 surround sound (this version in stereo ). Role: Design. Animation. Compositing.
JavaZone: The World's Geekiest Movie from Ibrahim Nergiz on Vimeo.
If you've been longing for a movie about the Java programming language, and not much else, JavaZone should do the trick. Starring Scala Johansson, William Windows, Eddie Larrison, Mona Lisa Harddrive, and Lenny Linux. Continue reading for the trailer.
A bit of philosophical writing again, and somewhat over-discussed theme. Sorry, it is still an issue for me and I thought of sharing my thoughts here. So, what is it about? Society, social pressure and your own strivings, feelings and view of the world and people in it. What I find very funny, is that there are these imaginations, standards, which everyone thinks is the perfect way, but no one ever had part in it. For example: the perfect career catwalk, the perfect love and relationship, the perfect family, the perfect home. Why do people build and teach clichés? Why are we fed with the utopia of perfectness, as if it had rules and boundaries? Why do we categorize? Because we need a point of view to start with or to hold on to, when there is nothing else? Of course I has been grown up, too, on fairy tales and on the desire of having a perfect life. But somehow it never turned out to be like that, mostly because of the decisions I made myself. Anyway I feel it like they were coming from the inside and I never regret any of those and am actually quite happy with them. Most of all because I made these decisions myself disregarding what others would think. How can this be, if it doesn’t fit the cliché of the fairy tale of the society? Well, it is a question of reorganizing our view. On one side, lets be honest, it would be pretty boring, if everything happened as we programmed it when we were 5 years old. :-D On the other side it is a question of a balance between our present state, knowledge, luck, feelings, needs, desires and possibilities. Of course one can be happy living by the false rules of the society, if this is what they really desire inside. For me it is a kind of life without personality, like a puppet. The very basic grasp of what everybody wants, is being happy. What does happiness mean to different people, varies. Some have definite ideas about it, others don’t know and go after their nose, heart or with the flow. What I learnt from fairy tales and still believe in and experience as well, is just being yourself, doing what you believe in and not what the society expects you to, money does not make happy and that you can count only on yourself. But you get lost if you are alone. I mean, society is a great thing, you learn a lot from them, but you also have to learn the act of critique and not taking everything personally. Being independent and bound, in balance, at the same time is great! :-)
I think my train of thought got a bit mixed up, typical :-D
Now, here is this great band, with a fitting song: “Nothing else matters” form Metallica
OK-OK, here is another style, just for the sake of balance ;-)
“Happy” from Leona Lewis
"This is not about sex, it's science"
One road to heaven, it leads to despair,
Tell me You’ll never leave me again,
Searching for Moonlight on a sunny day,
Everything’s changing on the daily trail.
Is there a point trying or not?
I’m lost in the way You seek in my eyes,
No way to stop and grasp the spot,
So I keep going on playing around...
Because I'm scared of falling in love.
"In this propaganda cartoon, a narrator focuses on two families: the clean family and the careless family. The narrator explains how the two families differ. The clean family washes up all the time and keeps their house clean and food covered while the careless family does not wash up before eating and they do not keep their house very clean."
"The first of a series of health-related educational shorts produced by the Disney studios and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs for showing in Latin America. It was also the only one to use established Disney characters (the Seven Dwarves).
In this propaganda short, the viewers are taught about how the mosquito can spread malaria. A young mosquito flies into a house and consumes the blood of an infected human. She then consumes the blood of a healthy human, transmitting the disease into him. It turns out that this is actually a film within a film and the Seven Dwarves are watching it. They volunteer to get rid of the mosquito by destroying her breeding grounds."
"Defines the three types of food necessary for good health.
Sponsored by U.S. Office of Inter-American Affairs."
"This film, made for Canada, begins with an interesting cartoon showing Hitler (depicted as a ranting madman speaking in phony German) and an armada of tanks trying to invade a peaceful-looking village, only to be fought off by a barrage of gunfire from anti-tank guns, so much so that it sends Hitler to Hell. The rest of this short is a dry and technical explanation and description of the Boys Anti-Tank Rifle. Just like the previous short, animation is limited."
Attention! This post has been written in a kind of state of mind, where I tend to be totally inexplicable and no one ever understands what the hell am I writing or saying (just see my very first Hungarian blog before I started this one :-D :-D) So, don’t be surprised, if You take the chance to read it and say after that: What the Hell? He? Attention! Some more confusing ones might come again, I call it: spring :-D
Is it possible feeling being free and not at the same time? Is it possible at all feeling something and the opposite at the same time? Well, empirically looks like yes and it confuses me. I do demand to belong somewhere and/or to someone and still being able to do whatever I want that fits in my moral. I think for being happy everybody needs the right proportion of Attachment and Freedom. Sadly, not many people can allow it. A good example for this is their work. The majority of the population is making their living out of need, out of just what they get. I would be happy doing the same job for all of my life, if I have chosen it and if I always had the opportunity to go on and change, if I wanted to or if I still can be happy with it because I don’t care. But You have to be really lucky to be in that kind of situation or work really hard and long to get there. On the other hand it does help a lot, if someone is an optimist with good adaptation skills and low expectations. I also do believe, it doesn’t matter what you do until it makes you happy. So, go-go-go and be Yourself, believe in Yourself (!!) and don’t give up! People tend to give up too early, that’s sad, very sad! You might think I am a dreamer or too naive... Well, thats all Folks! I just don't wanna yet give up on being like that ;-)
Additionally to this short train of thoughts: I tend to reach to music, whenever I want to complement my feelings, so here is one by one of the best bands/singers ever, which fits perfectly in here now: